Archive for the ‘Tips & Tricks’ Category

Double Boilers

A double-boiler is used for heating a pot to melt the contents, but without putting the pot in direct association with the heat source. The problem is such: When melting cheese (fondue) or caramel (cheesecake), etc, you need to melt a reasonably large portion of whichever, which means it stays on the heat for a [...]

Pizza Simplistic

This isn’t really a full “recipe” as I usually do, but it’s not really a full recipe for cooking either Just a note, that using pesto, instead of tomato sauce, tastes good on pizza pesto, mozerella, maybe some other cheeses if we have ‘em in the fridge yum!

mixing & melting

When mixing things together, it really is advisable to do it in steps. When dissolving solids into liquids, use a fork. The tines allow it to whip better, but with enough solid surface that it still crushes clumps and stirs i’m a regular fount of knowledge, i know