Tofu Bourbon Chicken

Dish: Entree
Taste: 4
Preparation: 3
Recipe: 4
Cost: $$
Repeat: Yes

Taste: OK, first off, I’ll admit that this was the first time I’ve tried to use tofu in a dish directly (I’ve used tofu products, but this time it was a block of plain firm tofu). The sauce tasted about right; will mess with it in the future, I’m sure, but it was mostly right. The tofu ended up in too big chunks, so the center didnt’ get all coaty with bourbon and tasted like … uh … mushy tasteless goo. Kindof a tofu-y taste, really.

Preparation: It loses major points on this just b/c it involves an overnight marinate and regular basting during cooking. This is not a dish to decide to throw on one day, it really requires forethought of at least the scale of “Lets have the bourbon tofu this week”

Recipe: Recipe was OK. I’m positive I added more liquids than it called for, and brown sugar, but some of htat might have been b/c of the tofu substitution.

Cost: Well, the bottle of bourbon, bottle of soy sauce, and box o’ tofu were pricey. Tofu is one use, soy and bourbon look like they’ll probably last 6-12 (I’d estimate 8, just b/c of how much i ended up pouring on it). close to 20$ total. But closer to 7 I’d imagine on a per-prep scale.

Bourbon Chicken

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