Swiss Cheese Fondue I

Dish: Appetizer/Entree Dip
Taste: 1
Preparation: 3
Recipe: -
Cost: $$

Repeat: Alter

Taste: Bland, unexciting. Tasted like swiss cheese. Of course, there’s a reason it tasted like eating a block of swiss. See recipe :o

Preparation: Double boiler is key. The idea is to stir the cheese, beer, and etc, together while the cheese melts, keeping it from congealing, scorching, or otherwise becoming inedible.

Recipe: Didn’t really have one that vaguely matched our ingredients. So we faked it.

1 12oz bottle Yeungling Lager (I had it in the house)
1 8oz block of Swiss Cheese

Then we threw in some minced garlic. Some mozerella (which didn’t really modify the taste that much), and I kept throwing in flour for that “no congealing” part, since otherwise melting cheese in beer is “i’ll have this clump of hot cheese in the middle of this pool of hot beer” … i don’t think it mixed quite right. And it’s not like I had proportions, so yeah.

Cost: The beer I had. And I tend ot have some beer in the house, of late, so that cost isn’t that high. Even otherwise, I hit DuClaw’s and get 64oz of something for 7$, use some for the recipe, and then I have the other 50oz to drink, whee! So say 2$ for the beer, and another 5-6$ for the cheese. If we hit a cheese sale and picked some up for the freezer, this would be a $ instead of $$ (b/c the beer is negligible, once we assume I’m going to have it around anyway). Switching to a wine or a port would raise the price some i think, and I don’t know how long they stay good open, so it’d be a bottle for the cost :o

Repeat: Well, I may look up a recipe book and try one from there. Otherwise, there’s also just playing with proportions and additives for flavoring. Even a more distinct swiss might work.

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