New budgetary plan!

So, we’ve decided to work on our budget again. Because we’re broke, yaknow.

Anyway, we’re taking out 200$/two-weeks for groceries, and basically that covers groceries.

100$/month for eating out (actually, i think we may have rolled that into the grocery budget for one big fat budget …)

The idea is that when we run out of grocery money, we quit buying groceries. We have pasta and I can MAKE pasta, so we won’t starve or anything, but this way we limit our expenditure. (K also has a budget for his camp ; the three are our big-ticket budgets that can be massaged some) The idea is that at the end of hte two weeks, whatever’s leftover goes into savings. Or we might set it up so that once a month the leftovers flush to savings, or when it reaches X$ (i think time based would be more better, since otehrwise we just go out and burn it off)

Idea being that this way we limit our spending on groceries/eating out (we initiated this idea on our way to cheesecake factory for dinner, we suck like that) and when we actually get spending DOWN, we can get savings (or credit payoffs) UP. win win!

oh, and who knows. maybe i’ll start COOKING in my “new” kitchen! it’s only been 18 months :o

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