Clipper City: Red Sky at Night

Name: Red Sky at Night
Brewer: Clipper City Brewing

Taste: Decent. A bit of bitter, and it definitely TASTED “red”. Interesting factoid: I hear, smell, taste things as colors sometimes! I had this beer a couple days ago, so the taste is vague in my memory. It was, I suppose, immemorable. Not a heavy or solid beer, however. Something simple, yet apparent. YEASTY! This was the one that tasted hopsy or yeasty. It wasn’t a bad flavour (kindof liked it actually), but it is definitely a specific taste. Either you will or you WON’T like it.

Color: Kindof pale. Light red. Could definitely see through the beer, and could almost see through it in the bottle. A little on the light side for my usual tastes.

Likeability: It was pretty good. It’s not something I’d get usually, but I might pick up a six pack once a year or so. Ignoring the fact that a six pack will last me 5 days or 5 months, that is.

I’d imagine the IBU is ~20-25, but the site doesn’t say offhand. And I’m not really up on measuring that from taste :o

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